[Woodcarver] (chat Greg)

Bill Judt bjudt at sasktel.net
Wed Jun 4 00:18:33 EDT 2008


What a neat carving! I'll bet your customer was plenty pleased.

Blessings and Peace,


Bill Judt
46 Harvard Crescent,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
bjudt at sasktel.net

On 3-Jun-08, at 8:28 PM, Greg Wilkerson wrote:

Hi Bill,

Though I haven’t made myself visible on the list in a long time I do
continue to receive and read with interest. You have done a wonderful
job of creating and maintaining a wonderful resource for the
woodcarving community, your efforts are appreciated.

I just finished putting some pictures of the finished shield/bust up
on my Carving Gallery website. Here is the link,

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