[Woodcarver] Flakey Spam filters...

Bill Judt bjudt at sasktel.net
Mon Jun 23 12:32:39 EDT 2008


Thanks for the information. Patti and I have been trying to figure out
what's happening with her "posts". Now we have a new lead to follow...
er, correction... Patti has a new lead to follow <grin>

Blessings and Peace,

List Owner

Bill Judt
46 Harvard Crescent,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
bjudt at sasktel.net

On 23-Jun-08, at 9:20 AM, Byron wrote:

I believe it's the way some Spam filters work. Email addresses are
spoofed all the time. Some of the free email addresses are more
prone to abuse than email address provided by your isp. To avoid many
problems I never use Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoomail, or the like. Also
some places block anything from them.


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