[game_preservation] Game preservation videos?

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Mon Aug 6 14:36:27 EDT 2007

Okay, but they'd be huge files. MPEG-2 isn't exactly very resourceful
with its lossy quality (ie; with a high bitrate, it still can look dodgy
with high motion, and problematically can chug old computers even though
it uses low CPU, it'd be a lot of disk usage :-) ).

I only know about TV-related MPEG sizes, so good to know the format
isn't set - however, didn't you say the aspect ratio was set on the
Archive.org? Thus the entire point? I will need to research myself
instead of blabbering on, sorry.

This means that a second MPEG-2 file could be available of the
"original" which was the full aspect ratio + pixels + high bitrate +
original FPS. This might be in fact *smaller* then a 4:3 aspect ratio
standard TV sized MPEG file of course (handhelds for instance).

Hope that made sense, and that perhaps it would be something worthwhile
in any video archive, one copy for "easy viewing" and one at the
original, very high quality, original.


Jim Leonard wrote:

> Andrew Armstrong wrote:

>> Of course, this is important, however I am more meaning the original

>> source of a game. Could you truly view Oblivion (in 50 years or

>> somesuch) on some (relatively) poor MPEG-2 quality, 4:3 screen, and

>> capture what the graphical detail at the time (for comparison with

>> other titles at the time).


> Actually, yes, since Oblivion on consoles supports 640x480 :-) But

> your point is taken. You'll be happy to know that MPEG-2 goes higher

> than 720x480; MPEG-2 Transport Streams are what are used for current

> HDTV, and they go as high as 1080i.


>> Its this future point where widescreen, and high graphical fidelity,

>> simply can't be captured in MPEG-2 format.


> They already are; see above. Google "HDTV MPEG-2" for some useful hits.

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