[game_preservation] 'Telespiele 1972-2007 Picks Most Influential Games'

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Mon Aug 27 07:14:57 EDT 2007

Its nice to see the regional differences, a Japanese list of influential
games would be highly different. I doubt you'd get Maniac Mansion and
SimCity and others on there at all.

However it is hard to say that all the 15 games they chose are the "most
influential" since that is terribly hard to say what it means - Is it
"the first in the 'genre'"?, "the first to popularise something"?, "the
first to polish something so many people play it"? "the first popular
game from that genre"? "the game included with a console so everyone
played it, making it de facto influential for that generation"? "the
games which are influencing our designers /now/ the most"?

Since I can't read any German, I'm not likely to find their requirements
for the game to be influential, quite a few different ways a game can
be, probably meant such a large list of nominations is guaranteed.

I'll add this to the IGDA wiki somewhere to keep a record of it. Once
the IGDA SIG's main page is updatable this would have been perfect for
it too.


Jim Leonard wrote:

> Stuart Feldhamer wrote:

>> I wasn't going to respond, but since Jim did, I'll echo him. I had a

>> similar

>> reaction when I noted the lack of Sierra titles. Specifically, I

>> think the

>> original Kings Quest should have been on there. If I had to bump one

>> title

>> off the list to make room, it would be Elite. It may have been a good

>> game

>> but was it really that influential?


> Actually, that brings to light another problem with such lists:

> They're regional. In Europe, especially the UK, Elite really did have

> that much of an influence. But here in the states, it didn't.

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