[game_preservation] Preservation Whitepaper Brainstorm Progress

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Tue Oct 7 19:16:49 EDT 2008

As far as I'm aware It's intended for reference regarding the need for
preserving materials. Basically, to show anyone who needs to know some
valid arguments or reasons for them archiving material. As we all know
this stuff already, so it's entirely intended for an outside audience -
companies, individuals, museums, possible sources of funding, and so forth.

It was requested at the GDC roundtables, basically as an idea by Henry
for showing all the developers and companies who don't know the issues
or don't care enough. At least that's as far as I remember!

I also know some new people are joining (although not many make
themselves known :) ), 84 is pretty neat! (I wonder how many have posted
once :) ).

However I did post about this in the 2 previous monthly newsletters, one
of which was 7 days ago :) I'm hopefully poking all the old time
members, since this has been online for over 2 months now, so any
newcomers feel free to contribute and ask questions - I'll put forward
an answer and add material to the wiki, no worries on how new you are.
You've also not missed anything, this 5 post thread is the most
discussion on it we've had so far.


Melanie Swalwell wrote:

> Can someone remind me who the intended audience is for the White Paper? I feel like I must have missed this somehow along the way, and if I think this, then it's going to be useful to quickly reprise it for the newer list members who continue to join steadily (rather than berating us for not contributing). For those who are interested, we are currently 84 members strong :)


> your friendly list moderator,


> Melanie



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