[game_preservation] FDG2009
Rachel Donahue
donahrm at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 09:07:16 EDT 2009
Anyone from the sig attending? I don't know a soul and it would be
lovely to meet up if you are!
On 2/6/09, Rachel Donahue <donahrm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew --
> If my survey generates any "yes I'm interested in follow up questions"
> responses, I'd be happy to conduct an oral history with them. Given my
> piddling grad student budget it will probably have to be by phone, but I
> can
> see if anyone would be willing to have the interview recorded and podcast.
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Andrew Armstrong
> <andrew at aarmstrong.org>wrote:
>> I left this open but no one has replied. Another bump, we do have some
>> new
>> members.
>> This project is, really, a bit too practical for the SIG to do "by
>> volunteer work" as all SIG's operate (with most of our work going on
>> online). With no money, and no one seeking out sponsorship, donations, or
>> funding, we don't have any equipment (nevermind manpower and transport)
>> to
>> do this actively, even though it is an excellent idea, and we'd likely be
>> able to find interested developers to participate.
>> So, perhaps it can help by cataloguing other efforts in the area,
>> preserving them on the Internet Archive, and helping logistically and
>> with
>> advertising the service. If anyone also did want to do histories through
>> us
>> somehow, having the final result freely available online or in an archive
>> would be invaluable. This is tough to setup without people who are in
>> industry available to be "on call" or to sign up, and without people who
>> want to do the recordings in the first place! It's a lot of work on both
>> sides (finding time for both, and possibly major travelling, preparing
>> and
>> researching, equipment, post-production...)
>> Therefore, this project is going no where with no active interest. I
>> personally can put forward weekend time and possibly take days off to
>> record
>> things, but since I have no videocamera I can't help directly. I would
>> like
>> to investigate setting up a signup form for both sides - the interviewers
>> and interviewees so we can get a good list of people (and their location,
>> what they did) to do interviews with, and who to send, and get people
>> talking this way. There is a possibility that this is better done
>> informally, however, or maybe through the new IGDA site which is mainly
>> forum based (with mailing lists possible, just really being forum posts
>> being sent to accounts, with replies being allowed), and thus developers
>> would easily be able to get involved with the SIG and discuss it on
>> forums
>> or via. PM's/email.
>> There was some possible interest from Dean O'Donnell from WPI, who is
>> running an oral histories project with student help. Other then this I
>> know
>> of no proper active oral histories project, save Jason Scott's GET LAMP
>> documentary, which is basically edited oral histories (which I hope he
>> puts
>> online in full :) ).
>> Andrew
>> Andrew Armstrong wrote:
>> This is coming on from our previous discussion over spring cleaning the
>> SIG.
>> *Oral Histories*
>> Status: *On Hold*
>> Currently lead by: *No one. *
>> Short description: *Interviews with industry people related to their past
>> works. Brought up at GDC 2008, but currently has no assigned project
>> lead.
>> *
>> Concerns raised previously:
>> - Aims of the histories, contents, etc.
>> - What to ask (I brought this up before)
>> - Who can do them
>> Someone to work on this or start organising a team of people would be
>> good.
>> Logistically this is the hardest project to manage, and technically we
>> have
>> no resources to fund it at all, meaning it requires heavy volunteer work.
>> People suggesting information, examples of existing histories done, ways
>> to
>> get this going, and so forth are welcome. Basically bring whatever you
>> like
>> to the table, it's an open discussion.
>> Andrew
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Rachel Donahue
Graduate Assistant
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, MD
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