[game_preservation] iPhone Game Preservation

Rachel "Sheepy" Donahue donahrm at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 11:56:46 EDT 2009

> Whether or not they are archival-proof on the other hand is a different

> question

> entirely, but the point remains: the task of archiving one of these is as

> simple as acquiring a copy and saving it to backup media.

Although I agree that the work done by the game community will make
archival preservation much, much easier -- especially in regards to the
metadata, as you point out -- even outside of any appraisal questions ("is
it worth saving?"), "archiving" a game is not as simple as making a backup
copy. Certainly it's an important first step -- you need to have A Copy of
an object in order to do anything with it at all. But especially when
dealing with objects found "in the wild" on the internet, you have major
issues with chain of custody/authenticity, and still face a lot of work to
make sure the files remain accessible in a meaningful way. Because what
good is having a backup copy of a game, if you can't play it?

For now the community continues to remain our savior, with tons of great
software and hardware solutions. But that may not always be the case, and
a formal archive does not have the same luxury of treading the legal line
in its preservation solutions. We're also hampered quite a bit by
perfectionism in our pursuit of authenticity -- players may be _annoyed_
by a lack of sound card support, but archivists question whether it
remains an authentic representation of the game without the sound.

And then, as I think came up with the Nintendo Seal of Authority line of
thinking (which I just skimmed!), we have the whole world of apps that
only work on jailbroken iPhones -- some of which are quite revolutionary!
And sometimes even if something doesn't get wide use, if it's the first to
make unique use of the technology (e.g., the emerging augmented reality
applications), it's worth our time in the name of history/innovation. (IMO)


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