[LEAPSECS] but what does Daniel Gambis say?B

Tom Van Baak tvb at LeapSecond.com
Thu Aug 28 07:43:21 EDT 2008

To be more convincing I'd like to see what happens to their
model if they used 5, 10, or 15 terms instead of 17. Plotting
the quality of fit against the number of terms used would be

Also I'd like to see what happens to their projections if they
used a shorter or longer range of dates. It must be possible
to fit any data set given enough terms so the question is how
sensitive the parameters of the fit are.

Future data isn't available so they'd have to work with smaller
segments from the past to pull this off. For example, they used
about 44 years of data (1962 to 2006); how well would their
model work if they used only 10 or 20 or 30 years instead of
44? Plotting quality of fit against the number of years used
would be interesting. Or fairer yet, against the ratio of years
of data in the past vs. years of prediction in the future.


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