[ANN] Markdown 1.0fc2

John Gruber gruber at fedora.net
Wed Aug 18 23:27:14 EDT 2004

Here's a second release candidate for Markdown 1.0.

The only changes from 1.0fc1 are the following bug fixes:

+   Disabled the 'use utf8' pragma, which caused crashes for people
    running Markdown on Perl 5.6.1.

+   Fixed a couple of bugs in _DoLists() and _ProcessListItems() that
    caused unordered lists starting with `+` or `-` to be turned into
    *ordered* lists.

+   Added to the list of block-level HTML tags:

        noscript, form, fieldset, iframe, math

+   Fixed an odd bug where, with input like this:

        > This line starts the blockquote
        * This list is part of the quote.
        * Second item.
        This paragraph is not part of the blockquote.

    The trailing paragraph was incorrectly included in the
    blockquote. (The solution was to add an extra "\n" after
    lists in the output; it gets cleaned up eventually

+   The contents of `<blockquote>` tags are no longer indented
    in the HTML output. It made the source look neater, but
    screwed with any `<pre>` blocks in the blockquote.

+   When running under MT 3.0 or later, we now display
    Markdown.pl's version number in the Markdown info on the
    main MT screen.

You can download it here:


If there are any imporant bugs that have already been reported which
I've missed or forgotten, please let me know. Barring any new bugs,
I plan to ship this version as "1.0" tomorrow or Friday.

(Michel: you might want to hold off on announcing PHP Markdown
1.0fc2, and just wait for 1.0.)


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