code blocks in blockquotes

John Gruber gruber at
Wed Aug 18 23:21:29 EDT 2004

Jan Weil <Jan.Weil at> wrote on 07/14/04 at 10:01am:

> in _DoBlockQuotes you add two spaces to the beginning of each line:
>     $bq =~ s/^/  /g;
> This is fine if you're looking at the HTML source but causes a problem.
> If you include a code block in a blockquote your indentation is mixed up
> (especially the first line).

Yes, you're right -- this little bit of indentation for blockquote
contents causes problems for `<pre>` text.

This is fixed in the next release (coming in a few minutes).

Thanks for the report -- your example input and output was perfect.

> Am I missing these spaces' intended purpose?

No, you were right -- the idea was to make the HTML output look a
little neater.


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