Feature Request

John Gruber gruber at fedora.net
Fri Aug 20 14:18:35 EDT 2004

Michael D. Boyle <mboyle at gmail.com> wrote on 08/20/04 at 12:20am:

> Secondly, I thought that a good addition to Markdown would be support
> for footnotes.

The problem for this idea is that I don't think there's any standard
convention for how to markup footnotes in HTML. Let's say you write:

    Blah blah blah.[fn:1]

    [fn:1]: This is the footnote.

What's the HTML output of that? We or I could just pick something,
but I don't see how what we'd pick would make everyone happy.

If there were an HTML tag for footnotes, that'd be something we
could use, but there's not. Every syntactical feature in Markdown
corresponds to a particular HTML tag.


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