[ANN] PHP Markdown 1.0

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Sat Aug 21 12:17:25 EDT 2004

PHP Markdown 1.0 here!


This version now include direct support for [bBlog][] and the 
[Smarty][] template engine. Documentation and bundling have been 
improved also.

[bBlog]: http://www.bblog.com/
[Smarty]: http://smarty.php.net/

List of changes since 1.0fc1:

*	Fixed a couple of bugs in _DoLists() and _ProcessListItems() that
	caused unordered lists starting with `+` or `-` to be turned into
	*ordered* lists.

*	Added to the list of block-level HTML tags:

		noscript, form, fieldset, iframe, math

*	Fixed an odd bug where, with input like this:

		> This line starts the blockquote
		* This list is part of the quote.
		* Second item.
		This paragraph is not part of the blockquote.

	The trailing paragraph was incorrectly included in the
	blockquote. (The solution was to add an extra "\n" after

*	The contents of `<pre>` tags inside `<blockquote>` are no
	longer indented in the HTML output.

*	PHP Markdown can now be used as a modifier by the Smarty
	template engine. Rename the file to "modifier.markdown.php"
	and put it in your smarty plugins folder.

*	Now works as a bBlog formatter. Rename the file to
	"modifier.markdown.php" and place it in the "bBlog_plugins"

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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