Small bug report

John Gruber gruber at
Fri Dec 3 13:22:30 EST 2004

Michel Fortin <michel.fortin at> wrote on 12/02/04 at 5:11pm:

>  From Markdown's changelog version 1.0b5:
> *   You can now optionally wrap URLs with angle brackets -- like so:
>      `<>` -- in link definitions and inline links and
>      images.
> It does not work currently with 1.0 or 1.0.1b5:
>   [test](<>)
> As I get this:
>   <p><a href="a 
> href=""></a">test</a></p>
> I expected a normal link tag. :-)

Good catch. I see why this is happening. In _RunSpanGamut(),
_DoAutoLinks() was getting called before _DoAnchors(). I've
rearranged the order and it's fixed. New beta coming soon.


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