RedCloth (was RE: Michel Fortin)

David McCreath mccreath at
Fri Dec 3 15:07:27 EST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: david scotson
> Instiki has three choices for markup: Textile, Markdown or 
> Rdoc (the ruby documentation format) from which you may guess 
> it is written in ruby. The ruby implementations of Textile 
> and Markdown and called RedCloth ( and 
> BlueCloth ( respectively. 

I updated BlueCloth and RedCloth both yesterday and noticed that RedCloth
now includes both Textile and Markdown. I haven't really had time to play
with it a lot, but I have noticed one unfortunate side affect.

There's a little bit of a RegEx collision between Markdown's use of the hash
sign (#) for header tags (h1-h6) and Textile's use of it for ordered lists.

When I'm writing Markdown, I always use the hash version of h1 and h2 just
for consistency with the other headers, but I always put a space after them.

# Header 1

## Header 2

The space causes RedCloth to convert those to list items in an ordered list.

I know this is drifting off-topic for a Markdown-specific list, but I
thought the effort to combine the two was interesting.


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