Inline-link email encoding

John Gruber gruber at
Tue Dec 7 12:37:22 EST 2004

Lou Quillio <public at> wrote on 12/03/04 at 11:34am:

> Any chance that automatic dec/hex email address encoding will come to
> inline and referenced mailto: links, in addition to auto-links.

I suppose there's a chance, and the argument could be made that the
encoding should be consistent.

Some people dislike the encoding, however. They don't consider it a
useful anti-spam technique, and they dislike how it makes the
resulting markup non-human-readable.

> BTW, I've had live spambot bait set out for more than a year (encoded
> with Dan's method), and none of the accounts has attracted any spam.
> Sure it won't last forever, but it's holding nicely and probably will
> for years.  More than enough easier targets out there.

You mean Dan Benjamin's Enkoder? Yes, that's much, much more clever
than the silly little encoding trick Markdown uses.


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