Markdown licensing

Michael Granger ged at
Thu Dec 30 12:49:48 EST 2004

On Dec 13, 2004, at 3:28 AM, european bob wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 09:59 +0000, david scotson wrote:
>>> (First thought is; is this change for change's sake? Or is there
>>> actually some evidence people need a licence change?)
>> I was recently looking into the Ruby implementations of Markdown and
>> read a comment where someone (reluctantly) chose RedCloth (primarily
>> Textile) over BlueCloth (Markdown) for licensing reasons.
> Yes, but that's hearsay. I'm actually asking for evidence ;)

I am the author of the BlueCloth module, and I have been asked by 
several people to relicense it to them so that they could use it in 
their own projects, and have had to turn them down. I chose the GPL for 
BlueCloth purely because of John's licensing choice, and I'll be 
releasing the next version under the more-liberal license immediately.

I, for one, am immensely happy with the licensing change.

Michael Granger <ged at>
Rubymage, Believer, Architect
The FaerieMUD Consortium <>
ruby -e "p 12383406064495388618631689469409153107.to_s(36).tr('z',' ')"

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