Getting around div tags

Chris Purcell cjp39 at
Thu Mar 18 05:56:24 EST 2004

That relies on users counting whitespace, which is a tad awkward.

Alternatively, you could insist that only if text between tags is 
indented will it be treated as raw HTML:

<div class="mainarticle">
     This is <em>really</em> not worth publishing.

<div class="sidebar">
**Did you know?** President Lincoln had a beard.

Or that the first tag of inline HTML cannot be followed by a blank line 
(since whitespace is irrelevant in HTML anyway):

<div class="mainarticle">
This is <em>really</em> not worth publishing.

<div class="sidebar">

**Did you know?** President Lincoln had a beard.


Chris Purcell

> What about if tags at column 1 don't process their contents and tags 
> at column 4 are code blocks (as they are now), but any tags in between 
> aren't wrapped with <p>s but get their contents processed. So the 
> problem would be solved by writing:
>   <div class="mainarticle">
> This is some _cool_ text.
>   </div>
>   <div class="sidebar">
> **Did you know?** President Lincoln had a beard.
>   </div>

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