Bug: INS/DEL in block context (1.04b)

Lou Quillio public at quillio.com
Sun May 2 18:47:38 EDT 2004

On May 2, 2004, at 4:16 PM, Jelks Cabaniss wrote:

> (These types of questions are coming up often enough that the subject
> probably warrants minimally addressing in the online docs.)

They do keep coming up but, with respect, let's not pretend they're 
good questions.

Markdown, a tool for Web *writers*, transforms content -- not 
documents, not metadata, not user-agent directives.  There's other 
script for that, or SSIs, or whatever you need to do.

Marking-up prose while composing it is tedious and distracting.  It 
flips you back and forth across hemispheres.  Let's stipulate that most 
folks with an interest in Markdown can do that and have been.  Let's 
further stipulate that it's counter-productive to getting ideas onto 
the page.  Markup-macho is an utterly gay pose in any case.

The purpose of Markdown, imo, is liberation.  Every developmental turn 
that edges it away from undistracted *writing* is the wrong one.

I agree with Jelks.  Markdown should declare that its purview is wholly 
contained within the <body> tag.  Would that it were obvious, but I 
guess it's not.


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