Bug: INS/DEL in block context (1.04b)

John Gruber gruber at fedora.net
Sun May 2 23:22:19 EDT 2004

Lou Quillio <public at quillio.com> wrote on 05/02/04 at 6:47p:

> They do keep coming up but, with respect, let's not pretend they're 
> good questions.

Oh, I think they're good questions. I think half the problem with
any new software you're interested in is just getting your head
wrapped around exactly what it is the software is intended to do.

It's not a bad guess to think that Markdown.pl should spit out
proper HTML files. It's a wrong guess, and there are good reasons
for why that is, but it's hard to pick that up in an instant.

I find reading a FAQ is often the best way to figure out what
something is supposed to do. Especially when the questions are
actual frequenntly-asked questions, not just questions the developer
is *predicting* will be frequently-asked.


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