Segmentation Fault with Markdown

Jonathan Ploudre jploudre at
Sat May 22 17:20:22 EDT 2004

I actually was getting segmentation faults which is what led me to 
discover the perl -w command. My university is running an old version 
of perl (5.6.0) but that's out of my realm to change.

I noticed that the errors on Markdown 1.0b5 only happens on certain 
pages on my blosxom site but haven't figured out what text creates the 
Malformed UTF-8 error. It happens on index files so I'm not sure if 
there's a simple bit of text that I can use to regenerate  the error. 
I'll try to capture the error the next time I render the site.

Gosh, Markdown is so simple to use -- I wish I didn't have to learn so 
much unix to use it. :-)


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