Segmentation Fault with Markdown

John Gruber gruber at
Sat May 22 17:43:02 EDT 2004

Jonathan Ploudre <jploudre at> wrote on 05/22/04 at 2:20pm:

> I actually was getting segmentation faults which is what led me to 
> discover the perl -w command. My university is running an old version 
> of perl (5.6.0) but that's out of my realm to change.

I've received other reports of this, all of them from people running
Markdown with Perl 5.6.0. I am certain that it is a bug in that
specific version of Perl.

> I noticed that the errors on Markdown 1.0b5 only happens on certain 
> pages on my blosxom site but haven't figured out what text creates the 
> Malformed UTF-8 error.

I think I've worked around the 5.6.0 crashing bug starting with
1.0b5, but I have no idea what could be causing the "malformed
UTF-8" warning you're seeing. I'm pretty sure that
contains no non-ASCII characters.

If you can reduce this to specific reproducible steps, it'd be a



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