[this] as a synonym for [this][]

Jelks Cabaniss jelks at jelks.nu
Sat Apr 2 22:07:44 EST 2005

Faisal N. Jawdat wrote:
>> What do you mean by "quoting"?  *Email* quoting?
> I quote someone else's text, they use [] in there, 
> now I have to go massage stuff rather than just 
> copying and pasting.

Why do you have to massage anything?  As long as your quoted [word or
phrase] doesn't have a *matching* [word or phrase] flush left (may be
indented up to 3 spaces), followed by a colon, followed by a link, somewhere
else, you're fine.


> Why do you have to massage anything?  As long as your quoted
> [word or phrase] doesn't have a *matching* [word or phrase]
> flush left (may be indented up to 3 spaces), followed by a
> colon, followed by a link, somewhere else, you're fine.

[this-matches-nothing]: http://www.example.org

All square brackets in this email (except the *attempted* link immediately
above, which is stripped) are passed through unchanged.  What's to massage?


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