Newbie question

Jelks Cabaniss jelks at
Thu Apr 7 22:31:47 EDT 2005

Jan Erik Moström wrote:
> One idea I have is to have notes etc written using Markdown format,
> and I would normally view these file using my text editor. But
> occasionally I want to have a formatted version that I could print or
> send to others as a PDF or just make them available to others.
> My idea was to have the notes in a folder and the use my web server
> (on the same machine) to make the rendered version.
> What is the best way of handle this? (is it a good idea?) I could
> probably hack together some scripts for this but I assume that someone
> has done something similar and I'm lazy.

I personally don't generally turn HTML files into PDFs, but what you're wanting to do should be extremely easy.  Just loop through the *.txt files in that directory, convert the files using Markdown (and adding the head, body, stylesheet references, etc. as necessary) to HTML, and then sending them to whatever programs you have available for creating PDFs from HTML.  


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