An idea for within document anchor references

Fletcher T. Penney fletcher at
Mon Aug 22 09:00:08 EDT 2005

On Aug 22, 2005, at 3:18 AM, John Gruber wrote:

> Fletcher T. Penney <fletcher at> wrote on 8/21/05 at

> 11:50 PM:


>> Just like regular implicit links as used in [markdown][]. Or the

>> reference-style links [like used in markdown][markdown].



> But they're not "just like" regular links, because they're not tied

> to link definitions. Their syntax ought to be distinct, somehow. In

> other words, when you're reading a Markdown document, and there's a

> link to an in-document header, you ought to be able to know for sure

> that it's a link to a header, and not a link to a link definition.


> Hence the `[#]` thing for implicit links to headers.


> Maybe for other headers, it would be like:


> ## Foo


> Blah blah blah.


> [This is a link to the header.][#foo]

By "just like regular links" - I meant that their functionality was
just like regular links. I would not be opposed to the concept of
sticking a # in front to say, "Don't look for a regular link, this is
an internal anchor." I'm not sure if it's necessary, but there could
certainly be cases where it's not clear.

Otherwise, though, I don't see any reason for them to behave any

> I suppose you are aware that the content on that page was written by

> me, copyrighted by me, and but on your page gives me neither credit

> nor contains my copyright statement. I find this particularly

> curious considering that you seem to have placed it under a Creative

> Commons license which requires attribution.


> -J.G.

My oversight - thanks for pointing it out. I thought the copyright
at the bottom of your page was included in the document, but didn't
actually check. I have added it now.

I had included that page on my site so that I would not unnecessarily
use up your bandwidth for visitors at my site (though my traffic
isn't that high), as well as to really try out the header anchor
thing. If you would prefer me to take the page down, I would be glad
to do so, as your license doesn't specifically mention using the


Fletcher T. Penney
fletcher at

I went to the museum where they had all the heads and arms from
the statues that are in all the other museums.
- Steven Wright

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