
Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Fri Dec 2 23:41:59 EST 2005

Le 2005-12-02 à 16:42, robert mcgonegal a écrit :

> Multiply | by | to get | Three | Four | Five

> <---------|,---------|:---------|-------->|<---------->|'----------

> ft | 0,3048 | 234:1 | m | Yes | 22'06

> mph | 0,447 | 3:2 | m/s | No | 332'045

> in | 25,4 | 23:1 | mm | Perhaps | 4'78

> hp | 745,7 | 2:3 | W | Maybe | 23'451

That's nice. However, I have yet to find a HTML sample of a table
with a character-aligned column that work in a browser. I know this
is part of the HTML 4 W3C recommendation, but is there one browser on
earth that support this?

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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