
Fletcher T. Penney fletcher at
Sat Dec 3 10:38:12 EST 2005

On Dec 2, 2005, at 6:14 PM, John Gruber wrote:

> I can't see the advantage to adding this sort of "line noise"

> complexity to Markdown's table rules when you can get the same

> effect using regular right-justification and zero-padding the

> numbers:


> You can say, "Well, I don't want to add those zeroes", but my answer

> would be "Then just right raw HTML". I think anything other than

> left/right/center alignment is needless complexity for Markdown.


> -J.G.

My initial thought is to agree with this. The example:

Multiply | by | to get | Three | Four | Five

was really distracting when read as plain text. The colons alone are
mildly distracting, but tolerable (like all the pipes and hyphens).
But all of these symbols together would likely confuse the hell out
of the average reader who wasn't intimately familiar with the
syntax. I could probably be talked into allowing the period, and
will look at the diff Dr. Drang sent.

I often post on this list that the attribute of Markdown that makes
me stick with it is it's plain text readability...


Fletcher T. Penney
fletcher at

A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a
bunch of bricks tied to it's head.

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