PHP Markdown (javascript injection & list processing)

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Fri Jul 22 17:08:29 EDT 2005

Le 21 juil. 2005, à 22:30, John Gruber a écrit :

> I think maybe we can get around this, sort of, by stating that two

> line breaks always end a list.

Since you seem to mean two *blank lines* (which is three consecutive
line breaks) then I agree, that would be good as a workaround. There
are other places that could benefit this too, like blockquotes:

> first paragraph

> second paragraph (will be part of the same blockquote)

> third paragraph (separate consecutive blockquote since there are
two blank lines between this blockquoted paragraph and the previous

But I think this solution would cause problems if used for code blocks
(since you may have two blank lines in the middle of a code block.) Not
that I have ever wanted two consecutive code blocks, this is purely

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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