Adding additional output formats for Markdown?

Dave Pawson dave.pawson at
Mon Jul 25 00:03:35 EDT 2005

On 25/07/05, Lou Quillio <public at> wrote:

> Markdown's an input format that happens to include a transforming

> parser (to XHTML) as a useful proof of concept. That's all.

> Anybody's free to write alternative transformers that accept Classic

> Markdown as input, or a variant, or ...


> It's not the end, it's the beginning.


Generalising, from one markup set (markdown) to alternatives,
and generalising, from XHTML to alternatives, could be
the next move forward.

I'm sure it's possible, equally sure there will be limitations.
I don't expect to get as much from 'simple' markup as I do from
a full set such as Latex or XML, I just want the help of such tools
for the 80%, which probably makes up 90% of the writing I do.

Dave Pawson

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