Definition lists

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Tue Jul 26 10:48:46 EDT 2005

Well, you are right, this isn't a definition list according to my spec:

Bozo the Clown
:a clown often known for his humorous antics
and magical ability to be in multiple places at once
:an extremely silly way of doing things

But this should work (at least one space after the colon is needed):

Bozo the Clown
: a clown often known for his humorous antics
and magical ability to be in multiple places at once
: an extremely silly way of doing things

But now I see there is a bug: the second definition doesn't work at
all. I must have made some changes late yesterday that broke that. (I
havent made new test cases for MarkdownTest yet, but I guess I should.)
Le 26 juil. 2005, à 9:35, Aaron Swartz a écrit :

> The space-before-colon looks much more elegant to me and having

> multiple definitions seems pretty essential. (The space-after-colon

> system can continue to work; I just personally think it's ugly.)

This isn't allowed for normal lists, but maybe it could for definition
lists. I'll think about it.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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