[ANN] PHP Markdown 1.0.2b1

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Sat Mar 5 22:35:29 EST 2005

Here is PHP Markdown 1.0.2b1:


Beside what is found in Perl Markdown 1.0.2b1, I've changed some things 
regarding WordPress integration and improved Textile compatibility by 
adding support for Textile's lite mode which disable block-level 
syntax. Read the changes for details.

* * *

1.0.2b1 - 5 Mar 2005

*	Fix for backticks within HTML tag:

		<span attr='`ticks`'>like this</span>

*	Fix for escaped backticks still triggering code spans:
		There are two raw backticks here: \` and here: \`, not a code span

*	Improved integration with WordPress. With WordPress 1.5, the
	balenceTags filter now runs after Markdown, so it won't
	interfere anymore. You can still disable balanceTags from the admin
	interface (in Options > Writing) if you want to.
*	PHP Markdown now correctly filter text for excerpts in WordPress.
	There is still one glitch: autolinks and tags in code samples are
	stripped by WordPress when trimming it. A fix for this is possible
	with WordPress 1.5, but would require duplicating WordPress entry
	trimming code within Markdown, which I can't do because of a license
	issue. (Nor do I think it is a good solution to fix this.)

*	Improved Textile compatibility mode. Markdown will now honor the
	no-image and the lite parameters. In lite mode, no header, blockquote,
	list, or code block will be made, and inline HTML is limited
	to the following tags:

	This is acheived by backslash-escaping block markers before sending
	text through the Markdown filter.
	The improved Textile comatibility means that the Markdown syntax will 
	be processed for comments in TextPattern (only for span elements due to
	TextPattern using the lite mode for comments). Sadly, due to 
	tag stripping, sample code in code span and auto-links will be stripped
	before the Markdown filter can see them. So I guess I should say it
	half-work for comments TextPattern.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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