Problems with incorporating markdown into a project

Andy Fragen lists at
Mon May 9 11:16:20 EDT 2005


I did something exactly like this when creating a Markdown tool for
Radio UserLand. The performance issues are real, at least in Radio. I
store the raw markup and the rendered XHTML. Depending upon which
version is needed, that version is presented. In Radio, and I assume any
other db based CMS, it's certaining faster to return a value than to
continually re-render raw markup each time.

I would never store only the rendered XHTML because it doesn't allow as
much portability for export.

As for Textile/deTextile it sounds a lot like playing "telephone";
eventually the message will become distorted.

Andy Fragen

On Sun, May 8, 2005, Lou Quillio said:

>Back when TextPattern was in alpha, I remember asking Dean why he
>was storing two representations of each post:  a raw version
>(marked-up with Textile) and a transformed XHTML version.  The
>reason was performance, that is, the raw input would be stored for
>future editing, be transformed upon save, and the transformed data
>presented at display time.

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