A reminder of the original design goal of Markdown - my personal thoughts

John Gruber gruber at fedora.net
Tue Sep 6 00:10:35 EDT 2005

A. Pagaltzis <pagaltzis at gmx.de> wrote on 9/6/05 at 6:03 AM:

> That particular question is not the issue. Per RFC, Unicode

> characters go into URIs as regular URI-escaped UTF-8. John’s

> stars would be %e2%98%85 f.ex.

It's not a question of being able to generate them, programatically, in
such a way that they're valid. It's a question of how an author would
know what to link to.

## Option-8 for •

and then later on, when I want to link to that header, I'd have to know that in URI-speak that's:



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