Markdown Extra Spec: Parsing Section

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Tue May 13 00:32:19 EDT 2008

Le 2008-05-12 à 18:14, John MacFarlane a écrit :

> The PEG representation is concise, precise, and readable.

Readable, hum... if I look at this rule from PEG Markdown:

ListContinuationBlock = a:StartList
( BlankLines
{ if (strlen($$.contents.str) == 0)
$$.contents.str = strdup("\001"); /* block separator */
pushelt($$, &a); } )
( Indent ListBlock { pushelt($$, &a); } )+
{ $$ = mk_str(concat_string_list(reverse(a.children))); }

it looks a lot like code to me, half of it I don't understand. If
we're going this way, there's going to be a learning curve: for me,
and for everyone trying to understand the syntax. I'd prefer to avoid
forcing people to learn a new language only to understand the

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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