a new acceptance of a variety of (inconsistent) markdown implementations

Bowerbird at aol.com Bowerbird at aol.com
Wed Oct 31 16:50:43 EDT 2012

babelmark sure does make it easy to convince people
that markdown inconsistencies are a mess of trouble.
before, people ignored the problem and/or its scope.

and waylan's new list just shows how big that mess is.
especially if we acknowledge all the other uses extant.

plus gruber's latest manifestation of his longstanding
reluctance to "fuck with it" means markdown is stuck.

so, i wonder if we've now come to a new acceptance of
a variety of (inconsistent) markdown implementations?

not that any of the urges to resolve the inconsistencies
ever attained anything more than a passing interest...

but still, i would think if the idea of unifying markdown
is officially dead, then that is the beginning of the end
for markdown itself. as a house divided against itself...

i know that, as a possible "competitor" to markdown,
(at least in your eyes; in mine, we're all light-markup),
one who was planning on a nanowrimo push anyway,
i feel a new source of vitality for a niche opening up.

since babelmark sure makes it easy to go negative...


p.s. it _is_ ironic that the eve of "the day of the dead"
seemed to be the appropriate time to make this post.
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