[MCR] Mt. Yamnuska: Grillmair Chimneys

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Sun Mar 7 10:26:59 EST 2010

To celebrate the balmy weather (before the snow returns next week), we
climbed Grillmair Chimneys on Yam on Saturday. We saw a couple of other
parties up there, but overall pretty quiet.

Warm enough in the sunshine for t-shirts, but still chilly in the shade.
Route is in excellent condition with only a couple of shallow snow pockets
in the gullies, easily avoided.

Bring sturdy footwear for the walk off the backside - there are some pretty
icy sections in the late afternoon. Instep crampons could even come in

Ken Belanger

TopCog Adventures

ACMG Assistant Ski Guide

CAA Level 2

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