[MCR] Yamnuska

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Thu May 27 00:39:53 EDT 2010

Just a real quick note:

Mike Stuart and I headed up to Yam to climb a route in the Forbidden Corner
area yesterday, decided not to give it a miss due to the snow still capping
the scree on the top of the route. Concerned mostly about rockfall
potential, as well as curious about the state of the walk off down the back
and how dry it would be. Went and did Devil's Right Hand instead, down in
The Bowl Area.

A quick look around from the top station on the route and looked as though
the backside was almost totally dry now. Much more so than expected. Just
throwing it out there for those wondering about the walk off down the east
end. Looks pretty well good to go!

Have fun out there!

Mike Trehearne

ACMG - Assistant Alpine Guide

m_trehearne at hotmail.com


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