[MCR] Rockfall event, Snowpatch Spire, Bugaboos, August 26th

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Tue Aug 30 17:12:57 EDT 2011

A friend just got back from the Bugaboos, and observed a large rockfall
event on Snowpatch Spire, in the vicinity of the Snowpatch route... (see

On 26th of August at about 4pm, we observed a large rock fall and snow fall
event release from the lower left side of the snow patch, on Snowpatch

>From our view point near the summit of Crescent Spire, we observed numerous

fridge size boulders pepper the Son of Snowpatch and Snowpatch col. A good
portion of the slide reached the glacier ice and boulder field below.
Stay safe out there...


Ian Jackson
ACMG assistant rock and assistant ski guide
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