[MCR] Loose hangers Playground

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Mon Oct 22 12:13:09 EDT 2012

Hey everyone,
Likely not a big news flash, but since the snow has started to fall, and the ice hasn't formed yet, many people have been heading up to the Playground to get a start on the season.  I haven't been up there in a bit, but some people have written me asking me to spread the word on loose hangers.  No surprise, but it seems like there are a ton of bolts that have hangers that can spin full rotations, and even come off and bonk belayers in the head!  A potential hazard to all!  Maybe, if folks go up there, take the time to pack a wrench and bring it up on the climbs with you.  
A great area that is getting a ton of use!  Play safe:)
Sarah Hueniken
ACMG Alpine Guide

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