[MCR] Deep Slab Releases and Overhead Cornice Hazard June 28th 2013

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Fri Jun 28 19:12:25 EDT 2013

Hello Everyone,

To add to the previous report from the Roger's Pass that went out a few
days ago, a large notable deep slab avalanche release (down to glacier ice)
appeared in the Asulkan Drainage below the East Face of the Dome that was
reportedly a few days old. In addition to that, there are still cornices
looming from ridge top features throughout the Park.

Something to remain aware of over the weekend and throughout next week with
the transition to some significant solar heating. Start early and keep your
eyes open and head swiveled as always on snow and ice objectives or where
the overhead hazard threatens your line going up and on the way down.

Take Care,

Paddy Jerome
Visitor Safety Technician
Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks
Ph. 250 814 3524
patrick.jerome at pc.gc.ca
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