[MCR] Gimli Peak & Area, Southern Selkirks

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Mon Jul 7 12:39:40 EDT 2014

Hi all,

We spent the last four days alpine rock climbing in this area. We had mix weather with sunshine in the mornings and minor showers in the afternoon. It was pretty quiet up there with only 3 other climbing parties. 

The road to the Gimli parking lot is pretty rough, 4 X 4 with high clearance is recommended. The trail is mostly snow free and in good shape, there are a few new dead trees on the trail to detour. The campsite at the base of the south ridge of Gimli is snow free and is also in good shape. There is lots of running water from residual snow patches just east of camp. 

Snow on southerly aspects is melting fast, thanks to the recent warm temperatures and sunny skies. That being said, much snow remains on northerly aspects and in Mulvey basin. There was no overnight freeze during our stay and the snow was really soft, particularly in the afternoon with ankle to mid calf penetration. Most south facing alpine rock routes look to be dry and in good shape.  North facing routes will have lingering snow and could be wet for another little while. 

Of note, there is a mountain goat issue at the Gimli campsite. Many of them hang out there and have become very habituated to the human traffic. BC Park is concerned for the safety of the public and the animals. To help the situation, they are asking that hikers and climbers use the designated pit toilet for urinating at all times. They are presently looking at ways to further mitigate this issue and may improve the facility.

Enjoy this beautiful weather!

David Lussier
acmg mountain guide

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