[MCR] SPAW expanded

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Thu Mar 26 17:57:43 EDT 2015

Upon further investigation and with an updated weather forecast, Avalanche Canada has expanded the Special Public Avalanche Warning issued on Tuesday to include the following areas:

*         The north and eastern portion of the South Coast Inland forecast region (essentially all of this region except the Cascade ranges)

*         The northern two-thirds of the South Columbia (more or less north of highway 6 between Lumby and New Denver and north of highway 31A between New Denver and Kaslo.

You can see a map with the areas under the SPAW here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zTBQ_p2Ua-cc.kyl1d_qa3PRI

You can see the SPAW itself here: http://www.avalanche.ca/news/VRHTjCUAADQcpVdL/spaw-150324

We continue to monitor conditions over the next few days and will further revise the SPAW if warranted.

Use Avalanche Canada's iOS and Android apps to submit and share information on the Mountain Information Network or use the web app at: www.avalanche.ca<http://www.avalanche.ca> > Avalanche Information > Submit Information

Karl Klassen - Manager, Public Avalanche Warning Service
Avalanche Canada
kklassen at avalanche.ca<mailto:kklassen at avalanche.ca>
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