[MCR] Rockies: Crowfoot Glades and Helen Shoulder

Public Mountain Conditions Report mcr at informalex.org
Fri Jan 29 20:56:22 EST 2016

Two groups from the ACC TNF crew were out on Crowfoot Glades and Helen
Shoulder today.

General Avalanche Observations: Numerous slab avalanches observed on
Crowfoot Peak, Jimmy Simpson, Bow Peak and Dolomite Peak today, all from the
last 24 hours. We estimate that we saw over 30 slabs out in our two groups
today from our vantage points. Sizes ranged from size 1 to 3 with the
biggest being the four major slide paths on Dolomite Peak running to valley
bottom and starting from high in the start zones. Slab depth was generally
about 40cm with some deeper. Some smaller slabs seen at treeline in some
surprising places. Many larger slabs were in steep features and on moraines.
It would generally be a bad time to jump into any significant sized

A cornice failure off Crowfoot falling onto the Crowfoot Glacier was
witnessed at 14:30. Both groups travelling experienced whumpfing during the
day with some cracking and evidence of soft slab formation. Some cracks
travelled far though the terrain.

Snow pack on Crowfoot was about 150cm while on Helen Shoulder it was a bit
over 100cm. Ski penetration was typically 30 to 50 cm. Occasionally you
would sink to ground in weak spots around boulders and trees.

Both groups used conservative terrain on both up and down tracks with good
group management. Terrain skied in the open was generally not in excess of
25 degrees and we pretty much avoided any avalanche terrain and overhead
exposure. Despite this the ski quality was excellent.

Matt Reynolds MG
Cyril Shokoples MG
ACC TNF Crew: J St-Pierre, F. Mulvenna, J. MacDonald, G. Miller, N. Steiner,
Manouane, W. Strong, A. Revill, H. Davidson, S. Lambert
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