[N&W] What if?...

nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Tue May 25 22:37:47 EDT 2004

What if the J's and A's would have been fitted with poppit valves like
Pennsey's Duplex Drive  T-1s?  I have heard that a substantial increase in
horsepower is made available at high speeds...so long as the valves hold
up to the wear and tear of the railroad environment.  Does anyone care to
hazard any educated guesses as to how the speed and tonnage ratings of the
J and A on different districts might have been improved? I am not
including the Y6's because I don't believe they would have benefitted from
the poppits due to the fact that they were not high speed engines.
Could any increased performance and efficiency  have staved off the
advance of diesels? of diesels for a longer period?

Nathan Driscoll
ndrisco at siue.edu

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