NYCS/N&W question

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Thu Jun 29 09:29:01 EDT 2023

This came up with some of the NYCSHS folks in Cleveland, and I promised to
see if anybody in "our" gang might know the answer.  I've got zip on this
Frank Bongiovanni

*I see that for several years there was a through N&W sleeper that ran to
Cleveland from the “Pocahontas” at Columbus via the Big Four’s morning
train to Cleveland.*

*I’m not sure of the years that it existed, but it disappeared after the
C&O “executive” sleepers began operation to CUT.*

*I am unaware of what the traffic base for the N&W through sleeper might
have been.*

*Can anybody provide information about this?*
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