NYCS/N&W question

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Fri Jun 30 01:08:21 EDT 2023

I found this in a March 1937 Official Guide of the Railways.  Under sleepers for the Pocohontas (numbers 3 and 4): Norfolk and Cleveland (numbers 33 and 34 Portsmouth and Columbus) and Columbus and Cleveland CCC&StL (NYC) numbers 44 and 45 Columbus to Cleveland. Also through sleepers Norfolk and Chicago, Winston Salem and Cincinnati.

--Rick Morrison

From: NW Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 9:29 AM
To: NW Mailing List; NW Modeling List
Subject: NYCS/N&W question

This came up with some of the NYCSHS folks in Cleveland, and I promised to see if anybody in "our" gang might know the answer.  I've got zip on this question.  
Frank Bongiovanni

I see that for several years there was a through N&W sleeper that ran to Cleveland from the “Pocahontas” at Columbus via the Big Four’s morning train to Cleveland.
I’m not sure of the years that it existed, but it disappeared after the C&O “executive” sleepers began operation to CUT.
I am unaware of what the traffic base for the N&W through sleeper might have been.
Can anybody provide information about this?

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