[Slowhand] (no subject)

Cobhome at aol.com Cobhome at aol.com
Mon Jul 19 00:04:09 EDT 2004

> ...let's everyone 
> argue about that for a while...I had a friend tell me once that no one would 
> like Dylan if it wasn't  KOOL to like Dylan...)

I'll argue that - my appreciation of Bob Dylan's music began when I was 12 
years old - and I can assure you that being a Bob Dylan fan was not "cool" among 
the other 12 year olds - LOL!!   When my daughter was 3 years old - I got to 
the point where I simply could not stand to listen to another Elmo tape - and 
so I started playing "MY" music in the car - well - her two favorites were 
EC's August ( she liked to dance to that) and Dylan's Blood On the Tracks - she 
told me that she liked one of the songs on BOTT cause - it was happy and it was 
sad - an astute observation even from an adult !  so - I'd suggest to you 
that - it is often true that people are PROGRAMMED to like certain types of music 
- and many of the people who do not get it with Dylan - wouldn't like a 
RJohnson cd much either - in part because they aren't open to music that is not 
part of that programming - some people will pretend to like music that is "in" 
just as they will buy into any other fad - but that is not ALL people - 
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