[Slowhand] Thinking And Spelling

DeltaNick deltanick at comcast.net
Mon Aug 2 21:38:11 EDT 2004

>> Does it ruin your day when you read an email with a couple of mistakes?
Are you near the point of throwing the computer out of the window when you
see an argument that doesn't fullfill your 'standards of thinking'? <<

Absolutely not. That's NOT what I mean.

First of all, these are not MY standards. It's called the English language,
a means of communication.

What I DO mean is that some folks write, and don't read what they've
written. If they did, they'd see what they mean is not clear. And they don't
seem to care enough to clarify or make it easy to understand. Sometimes,
it's simply gibberish.

And I do not refer here to people for whom English is not their primary
language. These folks are often better at getting their points across, in
English, than native English speakers.

But nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes. Nobody really cares about a few
spelling or grammar mistakes.

Misspellings and grammatical mistakes aside, clear ideas always come


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