[Slowhand] Re: labels

Almighty Geetarz almighty_geetarz at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 11 23:52:55 EDT 2006

I thought that I would pass my (bad) experience on to the Digest community... Can anyone offer an opinion (he asked innocently) as to what the problem might be? Too much mass?


I can't remember the math (we are all better off that way) but yes, given the rotational speed even at 1x of a CD, especially when a disc gets up to 48x or whatever it's moving at a pretty decent clip and then you get into a pretty impressive angular rotational inertia and all that kind of good stuff. If you had a record player when you were a kid and a raging case of ADHD (not to mention any names but this is what happened in my house) you found out that putting something heavy on the edge of a record on the turntable could be fun for the whole family.

If you've ever seen the Discovery series "Mythbusters" they investigated the myth of shattering CD roms and under high speed photography one can *see* the deformation of discs at high speed when imbalanced.

On a more important note, I used to have a really nice $1000 Pioneer Elite laserdisc/CD player. "used to" because the edge of one of those spiffy Memorex "never peel off" labels ... err, peeled off and jammed the mechanism, stripping the (plastic) gear train in the process and sending the player to silicon heaven.

So ... you can guess my opinion of paper labels ;)

On a positive note, I'm not suggesting that you specifically purchase a new printer just for CDs, but heck next time you are in the market for a printer, at least consider the Epson line. I've had several and love them, with the proper media they produce great results with the added bonus that the discs are legible (those who have seen my handwriting KNOW the advantage of this)

Oh, and on using marking pens ... "Sharpie" markers are a BIG no no with recordable media. The solvent those things used will eat through the top coat like acid blood from one of those Alien face hugger things in the movies eats through steel - I've seen it happen. TDK, Klone, HHb, and others make markers specifically designed for use on recordable media. They use a different solvent and pigment so they should be okay. I ususally get mine from American Digital (am-dig.com).

Hope this helps!


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