[Slowhand] Old Sock

Dr Grant Abt gabt at mac.com
Thu Mar 7 12:15:21 EST 2013

Evening viewers,

Unlike previous opinions of Old Sock, I really like it! So much better than 'Clapton'. That album had too many quirky songs for me, most of them i didn't like (ie. the melody etc). Old Sock contains songs that I actually like, irrespective of how EC has arranged them. The new song Every Little Thing is the best for me, and I like that his kids are singing on it! A clear sign that the man has changed with age, being happily married and having a few kids. I can't imagine him doing that 20 years ago. I think these songs will also transfer well to the stage.

Anyway, i'm sure many will disagree, but I'm one who is getting enjoyment out of listening to it, and after all, that's all that matters.


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