[Woodcarver] copyright rules etc.

Martin Leenhouts martin_leenhouts at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 19 16:05:52 EDT 2008

Hello Larry,
I've been a school teacher for a long time and the copyright issue comes up regularly. I'm no expert but here's my take on the questions you're asking.
1. Selling your own work carved from someone else's pattern should not be any problem, legally or morally. It's your work, afterall, even if you looked at or worked from a pattern not your own. You are not selling something that is not your own.
2. Selling someone else's pattern - now that's a problem!
I expect people to use the free chip carving patterns I give away. If they sell their finished chip carving to someone else, good for them. Don't go selling the pattern I gave away, but sell all your own chip carvings as much as you'd like.

--- On Thu, 6/19/08, larry <redcougar at mchsi.com> wrote:

From: larry <redcougar at mchsi.com>
Subject: [Woodcarver] copyright rules etc.
To: Woodcarver at six.pairlist.net
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008, 1:28 PM

Gentle Subscribers :-) Please support our List with a donation:

Dear list members,
I belong to a small carving club in rural North Carolina.We recently
began talking about selling carvings.
Most of us being new at this, we talked about what you could and could
not legally sell. Most of us have purchased rough outs with instructions
from time to time. All of us have copied free patterns from the
internet. All of us have made carvings from patterns and instructions
found in the carving magazines we purchase.
Morally and probably legally? we need to give credit for rough out
and/or pattern, but the question which we really have is:
What can a person legally sell in a show or at a craft fair or in an art
gallery as a conscientious, wood carver concerned about the state of
the art?

Thank you in advance for your replies, and as I have learned
, Keep Them Sharp,


Rocky Hock, N.C.

Woodcarver mailing list
Woodcarver at six.pairlist.net

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